Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Lord encouraged me in a personal way on Sunday morning as I read a devotional called "A Gentle Spirit". The reading was taken from writings of Ruth Bell Graham and was titled EMPTY NEST. Does that sound like something I've been worrying over? Here is the notable quote which I am turning into a prayer: "From my vantage point I can look back on circumstances involving our children, situations I once felt were hopeless, only to see in disbelief and amazemant as God brought order out of chaos, light out of darkness." What a great God He is.

This morning my readings took me to Deuteronomy, Ezekiel, Micah, Psalms and finally to Romans 8. It was there that I was reminded again that if we hope for what we do not see, then we can eagerly wait for it with patience. And while we wait and pray, the Spirit Himself intercedes for us when we don't know how or what to pray. Thank God for His wonderful promises and His faithfulness that keeps those promises.

Yesterday (Monday) I went in to Newark with Steve, having not been in for several weeks. How good it was to see some of our school kids who are enrolled in our summer daycamp program. I was mobbed with love and reminded again to be faithful in prayer for them. Steve and I went over to the apartment on Eighth St. to see what we might need while we live there. It will be fine and will also help World Impact for us to find out firsthand what needs to be done before any other missionaries come to live there. The only major things were a hole in the ceiling that needs to be repaired and no cold water in the bathroom faucet. We have pretty well figured out what we absolutely need to bring there and the rest will be stored.

Hey I figured out what colors to use in the kitchen when I found an adorable knob to use on the cabinets. I'll paint the cabinets "BROWN BAG" and the walls will be "COZY LIGHT", both Glidden Paint colors. The knobs are antique-looking ceramic knobs the color of the wall paint with flecks of the counter paint color. It should be very warm and welcoming. I'll keep y'all posted on other decorating decisions. Nancy can let me know how I'm doing. (o:

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